I'm the victim of sitcoms, believing things get resolved in 30 minute time frames. No. Life is way messier than that. I always want to end things with a broad and generalizing, sweeping statement that nicely ties up everything with a perfectly placed melody as we fade to black.
Most likely, the musical selection will be some finely crafted and poignant Coldplay song that highlights some bigger life lesson. This effectively achieves irony via the juxtaposition of the finely-tuned piece and the chaotic scene it underscores.
In reality, things don't work out like that. They. Just. Don't. But maybe because they do on television I have become disillusioned and thus my perceptions of the world (based on that medium) are equally fictitious as the shows I created them from.
That feeling of realized separation we get as we notice an far-reaching and borderline obsessive involvement in tv characters (Ya know...the moment where we say, possibly aloud, wait..this isn't me)is never achieved in our own real lives because this IS our own real life.
While we may control the fates of these personas with a simple click of a remote button and operation of DVR, the truth is our lives can NOT be as easily put on pause, rewound or fast-forwarded.
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